Domestication yields more than cute puppies and tasty chickens. It is neither strictly genetic nor exclusively a human endeavor. It has AI at its cards and challenges going feral as an alternative. A journey. Let’s take a trip down domestication-lane. But first a reminder what domestication is. Domestication refers to the process where humans adapt…
A brief history of the theory of evolution, where it is lacking, my suggested solution and what it might mean for us. Or – how I lost all my readers on the account of arrogance This is the most audacious post I wrote to date. The claims below are, well, slightly beyond my field of…
Being attracted to junk food is a feature turned bug. But nourishment is only one exploit being hacked, for which we are paying with our lives. Junk food by evolution Why we crave junk food (processed to have too much sugar, fat, salt) is fairly known. The short version is we are far from our…